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Hi :-)

Pair Design for Fun and Profit

Asbury Agile, 2014

Jonathan Berger, Pivotal Labs

Who Am I?

How is design different for Agile?

How to make design for agile successful?

Why Pair Design?

Better (Product) Design

Better Designers

Better Teams

Better Projects

Better Product

How do we Pair design?

"Synth/Gen" Whiteboard pairing

Synth / Gen

Synth / Gen

Medium-Fidelity Illustrator Pairing

Design Pair

Design Pair

Design Pair

Design Pair

Stylesheet Pairing

Office Pairing

Office Pairing

Cross-functional pairing

Benefits of Cross-Functional pairing

Troubleshooting techniques: Soloing

Converge / Diverge / Converge

Exquisite Corpse

Double-Speed Documentation

When do we pair?

Switch-hit pairing



Say hi on twitter at @jonathanpberger

or jonathanpberger on github, gmail, forrst, etc...


Balanced Team & Pairing

Product people

Product Synth-Gen pairing

Product Medium-Fidelity pairing

Pics (or it didn't happen)

Pair Anywhere

Design Office Hours

Hurricane Sandy

Stunt Pairing

Remote Pairing

Pairing Arrangements

Sitting Standing


Card Sorting

Card Sorting
